Indian VPS: A Comprehensive Guide and Checklist
Updated on: 27 Oct 2023
The virtual private server (VPS) industry in India has seen significant growth in recent years, as businesses and individuals continue to require more resources and control over their hosting environments. VPS server hosting provides users with a dedicated server, isolated environment where they can host websites, e-commerce platforms, and software applications. Amidst the increasing demand […]category:
Enable Nested Virtualization Windows Server with Hyper-V
Updated on: 14 Nov 2023
Windows desktop and servers come with a built-in hypervisor role – Hyper-V. This feature is provided free of cost and is used to run Virtual Machines (VM) on the top of Windows server or desktop. The multi-platform application development process on Visual Studio is also dependent on virtualisation to run device emulators for executing codes […]category:
Windows Hyper-V Manager – Virtual Machine Creation Guide
Updated on: 14 Nov 2023
If you’re a system administrator or IT administrator, then you know that creating virtual machines is an important part of your job. In this guide, we’ll show you how to create a virtual machine in Windows Hyper-V Manager. We’ll also show you how to configure the virtual machine’s settings and add it to the Hyper-V […]category:
Hyper-V Installation Guide For Windows 2019 Server
Updated on: 12 Oct 2023
Hyper-V can be installed on a Windows dedicated server to provide virtualization for multiple operating systems. In this blog post, we will explain Hyper-V installation on a Windows server and configure it for use. We will also cover some of the basics of using Hyper-V, including creating and managing virtual machines. How do I install […]category:
Docker vs VM: Hypervisor vs Docker FAQs Answered
Updated on: 30 Oct 2023
Are you still unclear on the differences between Docker vs VM? We answer the key questions about Docker, its networking and deployment requirements in this post and how is it different from other forms of virtualisation technologies. We will also share our feedback on whether it is the right fit for your virtualisation needs. What […]category:
What is VPS Hosting? 13 Most Important VPS FAQs Answered
Updated on: 12 Oct 2023
If you are looking for information on VPS hosting, you have come to the right place. In this blog post, we will answer all of the most common questions about VPS hosting. We will cover what is VPS hosting, what is managed VPS hosting, how to choose a VPS hosting provider, the benefits of a […]category:
Hyper-V VM Data Protection and Item Level Recovery with Microsoft Data Protection Manager 2012 R2
Updated on: 18 Oct 2023
Hyper-V Virtual Machine Data Protection with Microsoft DPM 2012 R2 Virtual Machine Data Protection is an important requirement of clients hosting their VMs on public, multi-tenant hosting environments and Item Level Recovery (ILR) of files and folders is very useful and time saving feature for any backup solution. Microsoft has already added this feature […]category:
How to fix blank RDP Screen on Virtuozzo Windows Container
Updated on: 19 Oct 2023
Applies to: Windows 2008 R2 Parallels Virtuozzo Containers Description: While logging into Administrator account through RDP on a VPS after a reboot, a blank screen or recycled svchost.exe property page is shown. Rebooting the VPS does not resolve the issue. Cause: This problem is caused by corruption of the Administrator account profile. Solution: On the […]category:
Auto shutdown script for Xen VMs on XenServer
Updated on: 19 Oct 2023
In case of a scheduled maintenance which requires your Xen VMs to be shutdown on your Xen server when you are not available, the following script should can be put to use: Create a script as with 755 permissions and add the list of VMs as in the example script: #!/bin/bash xe vm-shutdown vm=VM1 […]category:
How to backup/restore Xen Virtual Machines using Xen Center
Updated on: 13 Nov 2023
When you export a VM, a complete copy of the VM (including disk images) is stored as a single file on your local machine, with a .xva file extension. The VM export/import feature can be used in a number of different ways: As a convenient backup facility for your VMs. An exported VM file can […]