Docker vs VM: Hypervisor vs Docker FAQs Answered
Updated on: 30 Oct 2023
Are you still unclear on the differences between Docker vs VM? We answer the key questions about Docker, its networking and deployment requirements in this post and how is it different from other forms of virtualisation technologies. We will also share our feedback on whether it is the right fit for your virtualisation needs. What […]category:
7 Pro Tips To Get A Linux System Administrator Job in 2022
Updated on: 01 Nov 2023
So you want to become a Linux System Administrator? It’s a great career choice, and there are many ways to go about it. In this post, we will provide you with tips to land your dream Linux system administrator job. We’ll cover everything from education requirements to what skills you need to succeed. So whether […]category:
Free Linux Web Hosting Control Panel – CentOS Web Panel
Updated on: 03 Nov 2023
There are a number of free Linux web hosting control panels available but this post talks about CentOS Web Panel or CWP – a free Linux hosting control panel. The CWP is very lightweight but with compact and much-needed features that should be there in a Linux Hosting Control Panel. The CWP has a user-friendly […]category:
Install MySQL 5.5 and JDK 1.7 on Plesk 12
Updated on: 19 Oct 2023
By default, Plesk 12 doesn’t come with Java or MySQL 5.5 support (mysql 5.1.73-3.el6_5 is installed as of the time of this post). To upgrade MySQL without breaking Plesk panel and also install JDK on the server, the following are the steps which we had done and is shared below: Caution: Before doing anything, please […]category:
Disable NetworkManager Service in Linux OS
Updated on: 19 Oct 2023
Often it can happen that you need to update the network settings in Linux OS (I am referring to CentOS and RHEL 6.x distributions) and unlike Windows which is GUI driven, the most convenient way is to update the following files under /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethX where X can be the network interface assigned to your VM or […]category:
Benefits and advantages of .htaccess for Linux Hosting
Updated on: 07 Nov 2023
.htaccess is a configuration file for use on web servers running the Apache Web Server software. When an htaccess file is placed in a directory which is in turn ‘loaded via the Apache Web Server’, then the htaccess file is detected and executed by the Apache Web Server software. This htaccess files can be used […]category:
How to check sites consuming additional resources in apache webserver
Updated on: 19 Oct 2023
We were facing an httpd process overload problem that was occurring frequently every week on our server. The server is a shared hosting server holding Over 300 domains with Apache 2.2.3, MySql 5.0.45 and PHP 5.2.6. Occasionally httpd process were getting timed out, consuming 90% to 100% CPU load alone. Some PHP or Perl script […]category:
Mail Queue monitoring for Qmail and Postfix email servers
Updated on: 19 Oct 2023
Mail Queue monitoring is a big task for any organization running a busy mail server. Failure to do in a timely manner may lead a huge mail queue of SPAM mails or Bulk mail in the queue, which slows down the delivery of genuine mails in the queue. There are few third party tools and […]category:
Auto shutdown script for Xen VMs on XenServer
Updated on: 19 Oct 2023
In case of a scheduled maintenance which requires your Xen VMs to be shutdown on your Xen server when you are not available, the following script should can be put to use: Create a script as allvmshutdown.sh with 755 permissions and add the list of VMs as in the example script: #!/bin/bash xe vm-shutdown vm=VM1 […]category:
CSF/LFD firewall installation guide for Plesk
Updated on: 19 Oct 2023
Config Server Firewall (csf) and Login Failure Daemon (lfd) is a robust firewall solution having Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI), Login/Intrusion Detection and Security application for Linux servers. Although it is more compatible with CPanel we have been able to use the same for the Plesk hosting control panel also and it is running fine. Please […]