There is an issue with Crystal reports support with Plesk installation . We have found that in spite of  installing the crystal report runtime redistributable package the report won’t show in the web page on any hosted domain in Plesk, but if you run the report under a virtual directory under the default website the report will be displayed properly. The reason behind this is the IIS application pool launching user (identity). By default the “Default Application pool” launches using the “Network Service” privilege which has the privilege to access the Crystal report assemblies that are referenced in your web.config file.  By Default when a domain is hosted through Plesk control panel it creates a separate application pool for it and the user to launch its application pool is set to “IWPD_domain”. So to resolve the issue either one has to change the application pool Identity to “Network Service” or create a separate application pool using “DefaultApppol” as template and then change the application setting of the website to use that newly created application pool. Remember to set inheritable NTFS permission to the “Network Service” user on your web site.

You can download the crystal report redistributable packages from the link and install it:
A step by step pictorial representation is given below:

Step 1

Step 1

Step 2

Step 2

Step 3

Step 3

Step 4

Step 4

Step 5

Step 5

Step 6

Step 6

Please note in the ASP.NET application web.config file ensure that “identity impersonate” is set to false like <identity impersonate=”false”/> otherwise the report will not be loaded properly and will give some error like:

Error in File C:WINDOWSTEMPEmployeeFull {4D249D66-7F13-401C-BFF2-9BC7E04934EF}.rpt:
Access to report file denied. Another program may be using it.

In short we can say that to display the crystal reports properly we should remember two important setting:

  1. The application pool launch identity must be set as “Network Service”.
  2. The “identity impersonate” value should be set to false.

Related: How to Check MySQL version in Windows?

Hope this helps you all to use crystal reports properly.