It has been a busy few months for all of us here at Diadem as we are working round the clock on our servers and ensuring smooth operations of our datacenter services. Here is a recap of all the key activities which has been keeping us busy over the past few months:
a. Support team augmentation:
We have added more staff to our support team and have also been training them to work with our new hosting tools and utilities to ensure that our clients get prompt feedback for their queries. Our support team is now also available on Sunday’s (from 10AM – 2 PM IST) and we are planning to further enhance our support functions by bringing in more resources and further extending their availability over the next few months.
b.Plesk Control Panel upgrade to 10.4:
For our shared hosting clients, we have now upgraded our hosting control panel to the latest release of the much awaited Plesk control panel version 10.4. The new version of the Plesk panel has a more intuitive interface, single login for clients hosting multiple domains, third party application hosting support and administrative enhancements for admin users.
Get more details of the latest Plesk control panel 10.4
c. New VPS and Dedicated Hosting setups:
We have added a record no. of new clients for our dedicated and vps hosting services, proving our capability for managing mission critical apps and services for our clients through our superior datacenter services, coupled with enterprise level backup and security services and our round the clock server management services. We will continue to enhance and further extend our dedicated and vps offerings in the next few months, so stay tuned.
d. Diadem Hosted Solutions:
In a step beyond traditional mass market shared and plain vanilla vps hosting services, we have introduced the Diadem Hosted Solutions services which is essentially a SAAS model for providing enterprise level hosted services for small to mid sized organisation who wish to benefit from a zero capex enterprise level messaging, archiving and backup solution. Currently, we have introduced the following hosted services which has already been deployed for a good no. of clients for the past 12-18 months:
- R1Soft Continuous Data Protection & Recovery Solution
- Email archiving and retention solution
- Hosted Zimbra Groupware
e. Sysadmin knowledge sharing:
The job of a sysadmin is never complete. As soon as one job is completed or an issue is resolved, another task, issue, update or an emergency pops up in front of us, making our job an ongoing roller coaster ride or learning, relearning and improvements. At Diadem, we have focused the last few months in documenting all our routine and custom activities in our internal knowledgebase which is shared by our sysadmins in enabling them to share their knowledge, resolve issues faster and work more cohesively as a single unit. We have been working tirelessly in the background to ensure less spams are being received in your inboxes, your sites stay clean from malware, intrusion attempts are nullified and all our servers are operating at an optimal state, 24×7.
The above activities, in a nutshell have kept us busy for the past few months but we have also been working on further extending our offerings and improving our services in the next couple of quarters, so if you would like to get email updates on our new offerings, signup on our newsletter mailing list on the main page of our website.