Dedicated Server Hosting Checklist for 2022

When migrating to a hosted dedicated server, it is essential to remember that not all dedicated servers are similar, and neither is the hosting solutions offered by service providers. As it tends to be hard to know the key features to look for when finding a provider, we’ve assembled this list of those we think are the most essential. Ideally, they will give you a more precise knowledge of what to look for.

#1- Operating system choices

One of the factors in selecting a dedicated server hosting solution is the freedom to have your own decision on the operating system. The choice of OS depends on the applications you need for your business. The options can be a Windows Server or one of the different Linux distributions. The software you install may be compatible only with a legacy OS version in certain conditions. You will have to ensure that the provider you go with empowers you to run the OS you want. The managed dedicated server leads to enhanced security; this is why companies need to make transactions over FTP or SSL.

#2- Data Center TIER Rating

Data centers are tiered, and the classification is based on their uptime availability and redundancy and the TIER rating. The rating of the data center dictates the level of security and the potential downtime over the year. Data centers are ranked from I to IV, with I the worst-performing of the four and IV the best-performing. TIER IV-rated data center has an uptime guarantee of 99.999%. This availability equates to just 78 seconds of downtime per quarter—the platinum standard for uptime SLAs.

#3- Choice of hardware

As dedicated servers can be costly, consistently look for a hosting provider that offers many options on the server as well. You can choose a hardware setup that has the capacity and performance capabilities you need without having to pay for something more powerful than you need. Ideally, you should have a range of choices over the CPU, several core and speed, the size and type of RAM, the type of RAM, hard disk limit, hard disk type, bandwidth, and RAID. A fully Managed Dedicated Server hosting is an isolated hosting environment. The provider handles the setup, administration, management, and support of the server or platform application.

#4- Dedicated Resources

As tech evolved, you were getting 16 and 32 TB ram on a dedicated server, and now we can have servers with up to 3 TB of RAM deployed on a single server! This would further help consolidate multiple dedicated servers into a single higher capacity server, thereby saving your costs in server management and datacenter charges in the long term. A Fully-managed dedicated server is a type of web hosting in which a client has the exclusive use of an entire server. As a complete server dedicated to your business, all the whole server’s resources are committed to your organization, website, or consumers. This implies your web server will never be affected by some other websites. The provider will manage the user’s resources only for you and your clients.

#5- Easy to Customize

There will be no long-term commitments on contracts for multiple years. This option gives you the flexibility to upgrade downgrade as per their needs. The website owners and web admins will not be restricted to the different applications and software; they can run customized applications based on their needs. The top dedicated server hosting providers offer full root access so that you can install and run applications based on your business need.

#6- Security

Your IT operations could be taken offline if your server is hacked. If there is a data breach, data loss, reputational damage, and client legal action is potentially dangerous. This is why more than half of the hacked companies go out of business within six months. So security should be a decisive element while you opt for a dedicated hosting provider. It would help if you considered everything from the location and actual security of the data center to the range of security features your host provides as part of your package and as extra services. Windows server hosting enables you to host your personal or business website through a Windows platform. Moreover, they should likewise give SSL certificates, dedicated IP addresses, and spam filtering. It would help if you looked for next-generation firewalls, intrusion prevention, web application security, DDoS protection, and malware and virus prevention

#7- Server management

Outsourcing server management to your service provider makes things simpler and could save you significantly in the long run. This service will incorporate OS updates, patching, application installation, and server monitoring. Server monitoring continually checks the health of your server and its performance to ensure it stays in top condition. A fully managed hosting solution includes servers, storage, and networking hardware. Because you aren’t sharing these resources with anyone else, it’s referred to as a single-tenant solution.

#8- High availability

If your server runs critical applications, you can’t afford for it to go offline. The results could be disastrous. You will have to choose a host that can ensure high accessibility, i.e., that your server will remain online for 99.99% of the time or higher.

#9- Technical support

On multiple occasions, your IT team needs your service provider’s technical support to carry out a task or investigate issues. This support should be a part of your contract with the supplier, and they should be available round the clock by phone, email, live chat, or ticket. i/t is essential that your dedicated server should always be up.VPS window server is a virtual machine you can use as an environment dedicated to your web projects. Technical support differs entirely from customer support. By technical, we mean having an expert IT group accessible that can provide solutions at the point of contact. They will have the essential skill and be actively able to deal with any problem. Aside from person-to-person help, a good hosting provider will likewise publish a range of helpful online resources for their clients, such as knowledge bases, tutorials, specialized forums, and how-to blog posts.

#10- Fewer overheads for maintenance

If an organization requires a dedicated server but lacks resources to handle an on-premises server on its own, dedicated hosting could be an affordable technique to use the help of a complete server.

#11- Scalability

Start with a VPS cloud service where one can scale up and down. Once traffic increases, they can shift to dedicated hosting. It is the ultimate dream of every organization to grow more significant in terms of visitors, revenue, and client base. One desires a resource-rich website to adapt to traffic growth and frequent spikes due to occasional factors and marketing campaigns. All such things can be accomplished by opting for the fully managed dedicated hosting server hosting plan. With the dedicated server, the website is assured of bandwidth support. The dedicated server gives a lot of scalability to its users.


Dedicated server hosting is the most element-rich and powerful hosting option for resources that complete websites and online applications. No surprise that every one of the sites connected with finance, education, banks, government, and other sensitive categories is facilitated on a dedicated web hosting environment. Security, adaptability, reliability, easy customization, and control are a few of the many features of dedicated server hosting for organizations and associations that are on the way to success or growth. Managed Dedicated servers provide more reliability and stability than shared hosting.

About Diadem.. Diadem Technologies is amongst India’s leading cloud service providers, providing Cloud, Hybrid, and Dedicated IAAS, SAAS & PAAS solutions for clients across the globe from its network hosted at Uptime Certified TIER IV datacenter facility in India. We have more than 17 years of experience with WordPress hosting. Diadem is an established managed WordPress provider with over 1000 + hosted WP sites hosted on our servers. Our network is DDOS protected. We also provide customized solutions to our clients as part of our managed support services to ensure that our client-hosted WordPress websites are well protected from DDOS attacks. Click on our Dedicated hosting solutions to know more.

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