Get Free VPS Hosting with Diadem Express Cloud

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    TIER IV datacenter hosting provider - 99.9% uptime guarantee
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    14-day Free Trial with multiple Linux distributions
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    Instant deployment of applications with just a few clicks

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Express Cloud VPS Servers - Superior hosting with a free VPS trial

Experience the best hosting and with Diadem’s Express Cloud – SSD Powered VPS servers and dedicated servers. Our cutting-edge infrastructure utilizes lightning-fast SSD storage boosted by hardware RAID for high availability and uptime.
We provide different types of hosting solutions, including shared and dedicated hosting, and Cloud VPS hosting with computing power, storage, backups, 24/7 support and other features and managed services to help your businesses. Sign up today and experience the best  VPS hosting India provider with a 14-day Free Trial.

Your Free VPS Trial Includes

Cloudlets allowed per container / VM – 8 units.

No. of containers / VMs allowed during the trial 3 nos.

A single cloudlet equals 128 MB RAM and 400 Mhz CPU.

10 GB disk space per node.

10 MBps data transfer throughput per container.

Get a free VPS trial and upgrade to a paid Cloud VPS plan when you are ready

Manage cloud server applications easily and efficiently with Diadem Express Cloud

Try Express Cloud for effortless application deployment and scaling using Docker integration. Signup now for seamless management and unlimited scalability.

Easy To Deploy

With Express Cloud, you can easily deploy applications in Java, PHP, Ruby, Node.js, .NET, and Python without making any code changes. It supports various deployment methods such as Docker, GIT, SVN, archives, and integrated plugins like Maven, Ant, Eclipse, NetBeans, and IntelliJ IDEA.

Easy To Scale

With the proper triggers in place, your application can be scaled both vertically and horizontally in response to spikes in traffic. Additionally, a load balancer will evenly distribute traffic to multiple instances.

Easy To Manage

The developer dashboard offers an easy-to-use wizard for application topology, a deployment manager, access to log and configuration files, team collaboration features, and tools for Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment (CI/CD).

Diadem Express Cloud - Start your DevOps with Free Linux VPS

  • Node Js

    LOAD BALANCERSNGINX 1.22.0, Apache 2.4.54, HAProxy 2.7.1, Varnish 5.2.1; 6.6.1; 7.2.1
    TOOLS / FRAMEWORKSnpm, yarn, pm2, forever, supervisor
    NODE.JS VERSIONSNode.js 16.19.0, Node.js16.18.1, Node.js16.17.1 Node.js 14.21.2, Node.js14.20.1, Node.js14.19.0
    DATABASESSQL: MySQL, MariaDB, Percona, PostgreSQL;
    NOSQL: MongoDB, Couchbase, Opensearch, Redis
    DEPLOY VIAGit, SVN, Archive (tar.gz, zip), FTP/S, SFTP, Fabric, Capistrano
  • Java

    LOAD BALANCERSNGINX 1.16.0, Apache 2.4.37, HAProxy 1.9.3, Varnish 4.1.8; 5.2.1; 6.2.0
    JAVA APPLICATION SERVERSTomcat, Glassfish, Java Engine, Jenkins, Payara, Jetty, SpringBoot, TomEE+, Wildfly
    TOOLS / FRAMEWORKSSpring Framework, Hibernate, Play, Maven
    JAVA VERSIONSJava 21 (OpenJDK ), Java 20 ( OpenJDK), Java 19( OpenJDK, Amazon Coretto,
    Eclipse Temurin, Zulu Community), Java 18 (OpenJDK, Amazon Coretto, Eclipse
    Temurin, Zulu Community ), Java 17 ( Amazon Coretto, Eclipse Temurin, Zulu Community ) ,
    Java 15 ( Amazon Coretto, Zulu Community ) Java 13 ( Zulu Community ),
    Java 11 ( OpenJDK, Amazon Coretto, Eclips OpenJ9, Eclipse Temurin, Zulu Community )
    DATABASES"SQL: MySQL, MariaDB, Percona, PostgreSQL;
    NOSQL: MongoDB, Couchbase, Opensearch, Redis"
    DEPLOY VIAGit, SVN, Archive (tar.gz, zip), FTP/S, SFTP, Fabric, Capistrano
  • Php

    LOAD BALANCERSNGINX 1.16.0, Apache 2.4.37, HAProxy 1.9.3, Varnish 4.1.8; 5.2.1; 6.2.0
    TOOLS / FRAMEWORKSComposer, Laravel, Symfony, Yii, Zend Framework, ZDT
    PHP VERSIONSPHP 8.1.xx , 8.0.xx PHP 7.4.xx
    DATABASESSQL: MySQL, MariaDB, Percona, PostgreSQL;
    NOSQL: MongoDB, Couchbase, Opensearch, Redis
    DEPLOY VIAGit, SVN, Archive (tar.gz, zip), FTP/S, SFTP, Fabric, Capistrano
  • Python

    LOAD BALANCERSNGINX 1.16.0, Apache 2.4.37, HAProxy 1.9.3, Varnish 4.1.8; 5.2.1; 6.2.0
    PYTHON APPLICATION SERVERSApache 2.4.54, 2.4.53, 2.4.52
    TOOLS / FRAMEWORKSDjango, Pyramid, Flask, Web2Py,
    PYTHON VERSIONSPython 3.x.x
    DATABASESSQL: MySQL, MariaDB, Percona, PostgreSQL;
    NOSQL: MongoDB, Couchbase, Opensearch, Redis
    DEPLOY VIAGit, SVN, Archive (tar.gz, zip), FTP/S, SFTP, Fabric, Capistrano
  • Ruby

    LOAD BALANCERSNGINX 1.16.0, Apache 2.4.37, HAProxy 1.9.3, Varnish 4.1.8; 5.2.1; 6.2.0
    TOOLS / FRAMEWORKSRuby on Rails, Sinatra, Padrino, Passenger, Cuba, Ramaze,
    RUBY VERSIONSRuby 3.1.3, Ruby 3.1.2, Ruby 3.0.5, Ruby 3.0.4, Ruby 2.7.7
    DATABASESSQL: MySQL, MariaDB, Percona, PostgreSQL;
    NOSQL: MongoDB, Couchbase, Opensearch, Redis
    DEPLOY VIAGit, SVN, Archive (tar.gz, zip), FTP/S, SFTP, Fabric, Capistrano
  • Go lang

    LOAD BALANCERSNGINX 1.16.0, Apache 2.4.37, HAProxy 1.9.3, Varnish 4.1.8; 5.2.1; 6.2.0
    TOOLS / FRAMEWORKSRevel, Beego, Gin, Echo, Kit
    GO VERSIONSGo 1.19, Go 1.18, Go 1.17, Go 1.16, Go 1.15, Go 1.14
    DATABASESSQL: MySQL, MariaDB, Percona, PostgreSQL;
    NOSQL: MongoDB, Couchbase, Opensearch, Redis
    DEPLOY VIAGit, SVN, Archive (tar.gz, zip), FTP/S, SFTP, Fabric, Capistrano
  • .Net

    LOAD BALANCERSNGINX 1.16.0, Apache 2.4.37, HAProxy 1.9.3, Varnish 4.1.8; 5.2.1; 6.2.0
    .NET VERSIONS.NET Core 7.x.x, .NET Core 6.x.x, .NET Core 5.x.x, .NET Core 3.x.x
    DATABASESSQL: MySQL, MariaDB, Percona, PostgreSQL;
    NOSQL: MongoDB, Couchbase, Opensearch, Redis
    DEPLOY VIAGit, SVN, Archive (tar.gz, zip), FTP/S, SFTP, Fabric, Capistrano
LOAD BALANCERSNGINX 1.22.0, Apache 2.4.54, HAProxy 2.7.1, Varnish 5.2.1; 6.6.1; 7.2.1
TOOLS / FRAMEWORKSnpm, yarn, pm2, forever, supervisor
NODE.JS VERSIONSNode.js 16.19.0, Node.js16.18.1, Node.js16.17.1 Node.js 14.21.2, Node.js14.20.1, Node.js14.19.0
DATABASESSQL: MySQL, MariaDB, Percona, PostgreSQL;
NOSQL: MongoDB, Couchbase, Opensearch, Redis
DEPLOY VIAGit, SVN, Archive (tar.gz, zip), FTP/S, SFTP, Fabric, Capistrano
LOAD BALANCERSNGINX 1.16.0, Apache 2.4.37, HAProxy 1.9.3, Varnish 4.1.8; 5.2.1; 6.2.0
JAVA APPLICATION SERVERSTomcat, Glassfish, Java Engine, Jenkins, Payara, Jetty, SpringBoot, TomEE+, Wildfly
TOOLS / FRAMEWORKSSpring Framework, Hibernate, Play, Maven
JAVA VERSIONSJava 21 (OpenJDK ), Java 20 ( OpenJDK), Java 19( OpenJDK, Amazon Coretto,
Eclipse Temurin, Zulu Community), Java 18 (OpenJDK, Amazon Coretto, Eclipse
Temurin, Zulu Community ), Java 17 ( Amazon Coretto, Eclipse Temurin, Zulu Community ) ,
Java 15 ( Amazon Coretto, Zulu Community ) Java 13 ( Zulu Community ),
Java 11 ( OpenJDK, Amazon Coretto, Eclips OpenJ9, Eclipse Temurin, Zulu Community )
DATABASES"SQL: MySQL, MariaDB, Percona, PostgreSQL;
NOSQL: MongoDB, Couchbase, Opensearch, Redis"
DEPLOY VIAGit, SVN, Archive (tar.gz, zip), FTP/S, SFTP, Fabric, Capistrano
LOAD BALANCERSNGINX 1.16.0, Apache 2.4.37, HAProxy 1.9.3, Varnish 4.1.8; 5.2.1; 6.2.0
TOOLS / FRAMEWORKSComposer, Laravel, Symfony, Yii, Zend Framework, ZDT
PHP VERSIONSPHP 8.1.xx , 8.0.xx PHP 7.4.xx
DATABASESSQL: MySQL, MariaDB, Percona, PostgreSQL;
NOSQL: MongoDB, Couchbase, Opensearch, Redis
DEPLOY VIAGit, SVN, Archive (tar.gz, zip), FTP/S, SFTP, Fabric, Capistrano
LOAD BALANCERSNGINX 1.16.0, Apache 2.4.37, HAProxy 1.9.3, Varnish 4.1.8; 5.2.1; 6.2.0
PYTHON APPLICATION SERVERSApache 2.4.54, 2.4.53, 2.4.52
TOOLS / FRAMEWORKSDjango, Pyramid, Flask, Web2Py,
DATABASESSQL: MySQL, MariaDB, Percona, PostgreSQL;
NOSQL: MongoDB, Couchbase, Opensearch, Redis
DEPLOY VIAGit, SVN, Archive (tar.gz, zip), FTP/S, SFTP, Fabric, Capistrano
LOAD BALANCERSNGINX 1.16.0, Apache 2.4.37, HAProxy 1.9.3, Varnish 4.1.8; 5.2.1; 6.2.0
TOOLS / FRAMEWORKSRuby on Rails, Sinatra, Padrino, Passenger, Cuba, Ramaze,
RUBY VERSIONSRuby 3.1.3, Ruby 3.1.2, Ruby 3.0.5, Ruby 3.0.4, Ruby 2.7.7
DATABASESSQL: MySQL, MariaDB, Percona, PostgreSQL;
NOSQL: MongoDB, Couchbase, Opensearch, Redis
DEPLOY VIAGit, SVN, Archive (tar.gz, zip), FTP/S, SFTP, Fabric, Capistrano
LOAD BALANCERSNGINX 1.16.0, Apache 2.4.37, HAProxy 1.9.3, Varnish 4.1.8; 5.2.1; 6.2.0
TOOLS / FRAMEWORKSRevel, Beego, Gin, Echo, Kit
GO VERSIONSGo 1.19, Go 1.18, Go 1.17, Go 1.16, Go 1.15, Go 1.14
DATABASESSQL: MySQL, MariaDB, Percona, PostgreSQL;
NOSQL: MongoDB, Couchbase, Opensearch, Redis
DEPLOY VIAGit, SVN, Archive (tar.gz, zip), FTP/S, SFTP, Fabric, Capistrano
LOAD BALANCERSNGINX 1.16.0, Apache 2.4.37, HAProxy 1.9.3, Varnish 4.1.8; 5.2.1; 6.2.0
.NET VERSIONS.NET Core 7.x.x, .NET Core 6.x.x, .NET Core 5.x.x, .NET Core 3.x.x
DATABASESSQL: MySQL, MariaDB, Percona, PostgreSQL;
NOSQL: MongoDB, Couchbase, Opensearch, Redis
DEPLOY VIAGit, SVN, Archive (tar.gz, zip), FTP/S, SFTP, Fabric, Capistrano

Express Cloud’s App Marketplace – Reduce your server administration effort

Get the most out of your cloud hosting with Express Cloud’s app marketplace. Deploy apps with ease and access the latest development tools using our PAAS solution. Try it out with our 14-day free VPS hosting trial and get a free virtual private server with every sign-up

Free VPS Trial – Elastic Pricing Calculator

Check out Express Cloud’s elastic cloud pricing calculator for accurate resource allocation. Get the best performance within your budget with our intuitive user interface.

Get more features when you upgrade your free VPS hosting

Full Root Access

Our free VPS hosting service comes with full root access, giving you complete control over your virtual server. This feature allows you to install your preferred operating systems, control interface, and software applications, making VPS configuration easy and straightforward.

Managed VPS Servers

Diadem offers affordable and convenient Managed Linux & Windows server hosting. By utilizing managed VPS hosting services, you can easily delegate time-consuming or difficult tasks to experts in the field who will take care of them on your behalf. This allows you to focus on other important aspects of your business or project without worrying about the technical details.

Dedicated IP Address

Protect your business from DDoS attacks with our advanced DDoS protection, Elastic cloud servers and dedicated server that come with a dedicated IP address. Our cloud servers are designed to mitigate the most complex DDoS attacks, ensuring your website or application remains online without interruption. Don’t let the threat of DDoS attacks bring your business down, purchase our secure cloud server resources today.

Daily Backup

We provide a reliable solution for businesses looking for data security. We conduct daily offsite full VM backups and store them in a secondary data center for an added layer of protection. With a retention period of seven days, you can be assured that your digital assets are secure and well taken care of. Experience peace of mind with our top-notch data security service.

Get Complete Control with Diadem - India's Leading Private Network Provider

ISO 27001 Certified Cloud Provider

With 20+ years of expertise in managing server resources and networks, you can trust us with your critical operations. Our ISO 27001 Certification guarantees a secure and reliable Cloud platform to fit your scalability needs.

Network Hosted at Asia's No. 1 Data Center - Equinix Mumbai

Our customers enjoy access to a world-class data center experience with our network hosted at World's No. 1 data center provider - Equinix at their Mumbai TIER IV datacenter facility. Equinix Inc, recognized as an industry leader with over 240 facilities in 27 countries, with security, redundancy, and 99.999% uptime to our customers.

Technical Team Support

If you have any technical inquiries regarding your auto-scaling servers, our certified on-staff experts are here to assist you. Our direct employees can quickly resolve your issues without involving any middleman. You can reach out to us via email, phone call, or even live chat!

Multiple Upstream Provider Uplinks

Our network maintains reliability through a variety of upstream provider connections that guarantee alternative pathways should any provider goes down. DDoS protection ensures our infrastructure is secured against potential damage caused by malicious cyber-attacks or other internet threats.

Looking for a managed VPS hosting provider?

Linux VPS hosting India on KVM virtual machine

Windows VPS hosting with guaranteed server resources

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Diadem Technologies’ Trial Offer!

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Free VPS hosting - FAQs

A Free VPS server with Diadem Express cloud is a virtual private server hosted on Diadem Express cloud that is provided to users free of charge. It allows users to test and experiment with a free VPS hosting environment without the commitment of paying for it. Additionally, if you’re looking for affordable options, Diadem Express cloud also offers cheap VPS hosting plans, ensuring that you can find a cost-effective solution for your hosting needs while still enjoying the benefits of a VPS environment.

You can get started right away with a free VPS trial. It is much cheaper and more resourceful than google cloud services, Amazon Web Services, IBM Cloud platforms, or Microsoft Azure Cloud services. Check out our alternative to aws blog post for more details.

A Dedicated Server India is a physical server that is fully dedicated to a single user and comes with a fixed amount of resources. VPS (Virtual Private Server), on the other hand, is a virtual server that runs on a cloud infrastructure and shares resources with other virtual servers. Cloud VPS offers more scalability and flexibility, while dedicated servers offer more control and higher performance.

 VPS Hosting or Virtual Private Server is a type of hosting that allows you to have your own virtual server infrastructure on a server, giving you more control and flexibility over your hosting environment. Unlike shared hosting where multiple websites share the same resources, a VPS server allocates dedicated resources to your website or application.