Crystal Report issue with Plesk and installing runtime component
Updated on: 13 Nov 2023
There is an issue with Crystal reports support with Plesk installation . We have found that in spite of installing the crystal report runtime redistributable package the report won’t show in the web page on any hosted domain in Plesk, but if you run the report under a virtual directory under the default website the […]category:
Our corporate blog is now online
Updated on: 25 Oct 2023
Welcome to our web log and we hope we can do justice to this endeavor. Setting up a blog is probably the easiest thing you could do online; download and install wordpress, get a free theme online and bingo, your blog is online. However, it will take tons of effort and discipline to ensure that […]category:
Reseller hosting how can you benifit from it?
Updated on: 25 Oct 2023
Start your own web hosting business with a reseller account. Investment is small and potential profits are high. There are actually two uses for reseller hosting accounts. Selling web hosting services, and hosting multiple of your own domains under one account. What this article is mostly about is the selling part. Reseller hosting is a […]category:
Fighting Back Against Website Attacks
Updated on: 25 Oct 2023
Despite all the advancements that have been made in information security, hacking attacks continue to be a major problem, inflicting damage on some of the biggest companies. Every year, it seems as if we hear a story where some major company has been hacked and thieved of invaluable information. Although large corporations make better targets, […]category:
IP blocklist/blacklist
Updated on: 26 Aug 2023
What does it mean when Support tells, your IP address is on a blocklist/blacklist? Diadem protects itself from known spam sources by subscribing to widely used “blocklists”:,,,,,,, and These services identify IP address in use by spammers who flood the Internet community with unwanted/unsolicited commercial email. […]category:
Overview of Anti-SPAM Gateway Server
Updated on: 26 Aug 2023
The Anti-Spam & Anti-Virus System on Ubuntu Linux. Process – How it works The Anti-Spam System design integrates a number of different programs together to do it’s job, here’s a summary explanation as to how it works. To help understand things, it’s important to know that Postfix is not just a single program, but rather, […]category:
Spamdyke: Best open source SPAM protection in Qmail
Updated on: 26 Aug 2023
Spamdyke is a filter for monitoring and intercepting SMTP connections between a remote host and a qmail server. Spam is blocked while the remote server (spammer) is still connected; no additional processing or storage is needed. In a sentence, spamdyke is a drop-in qmail filter for stopping spam at connection-time. “drop-in” means it can be […]category:
Integrating Custom player in swftools modules in Drupal
Updated on: 26 Aug 2023
In one of our Drupal site, we have integrated a music section as client requirement. From this section client can add audio files (mainly mp3 files), from the back end and stored files listing will show in the front-end with a music player i.e., the audio files will run in the embedded player from the […]