Diadem Jelastic PAAS Cloud – Now Available at India’s leading TIER IV IDC
Updated on: 18 Oct 2023
After months of planning, training and execution, we are pleased to announce the launch of the Jelastic PAAS Cloud at India’s leading Uptime Certified TIER IV IDC @ GPX, Mumbai. Post our evaluation of various Platform-as-a-Service solutions over the past year, we ultimately decided to partner with Jelastic as it appeared to be the […]category:
Diadem a key launch partner for Plesk Onyx – the leading webops platform for web professionals
Updated on: 18 Oct 2023
The latest version of Plesk 17, Plesk Onyx has finally been released and we are excited to be among their key launch partners, globally. Plesk Onyx has a host of new features and improved capabilities and is the leading WebOps platform to run, automate and grow applications, websites and hosting businesses. Available in more than […]category:
Techplus Media recognises Diadem Technologies as Eastern India’s Best Cloud Hosting Service Provider
Updated on: 18 Oct 2023
Techplus Media which publishes ITPV magazine, the leading IT Channel magazine in India, organized its annual Partner Leadership Award, Eastern India 2016 at The Park, Kolkata on September 29, 2016. Attended by IT industry’s leading honchos and channel partners, the event saw felicitation of vendors and the channel partners in various categories. Welcoming the guests […]category:
Diadem sponsors NASSCOM Product Conclave 2016 as its Cloud Partner
Updated on: 18 Oct 2023
This year again, Diadem was a part of the NASSCOM Product Conclave (NPC) 2016, held last month in Kolkata – 15th July 2016. Branded by its theme “Technology Fuelling Business Growth”, the event witnessed spirited participation from emerging and established start-ups, industry leaders, stalwarts, dignitaries, and the student community, resulting into a ‘sold-out’ a day […]category:
Why Managed WordPress Hosting is Important For Your Business?
Updated on: 06 Nov 2023
Managed WordPress Hosting In the past few years, WordPress websites have gained an increasingly high amount of popularity due to which web hosting service providers are switching to hosts that specialize only in WordPress websites. This service is known as Managed WordPress Hosting service. This is basically a service which ensures that the host manages […]category:
FREE SSL certificate with every hosting plan – Now Live!
Updated on: 31 Jul 2023
Free SSL Certificate Security for your domain – Now a reality! We are truly excited in finally being able to offer a solution to encrypt every website hosted on our network through Plesk using the revolutionary Let’s Encrypt CA free SSL certificate solution. Why does SSL encryption matter for your website? Google gives a ranking […]category:
Hyper-V VM Data Protection and Item Level Recovery with Microsoft Data Protection Manager 2012 R2
Updated on: 18 Oct 2023
Hyper-V Virtual Machine Data Protection with Microsoft DPM 2012 R2 Virtual Machine Data Protection is an important requirement of clients hosting their VMs on public, multi-tenant hosting environments and Item Level Recovery (ILR) of files and folders is very useful and time saving feature for any backup solution. Microsoft has already added this feature […]category:
PHP performance benchmarking and optimisation
Updated on: 18 Oct 2023
PHP performance optimisation is a growing concern with web developers who are obsessed with shaving milliseconds from their php code execution and there is a need to benchmark php performance so that you can compare the performance of your PHP Recently, we had a client wanting to host their sites on our VM hosting platform […]category:
Mandrillapp transactional email service is now a paid monthly Mailchimp add-on
Updated on: 01 Aug 2023
In what can be described as a complete U-turn by Mailchimp team, I received an email from them today announcing that they will make Mandrillapp a Mailchimp add on, which essentially means their PAYG (Pay as you go) transactional email service of mandrill being buried by them. The CEO of Mailchimp has put a blog […]category:
WordPress Must Have Security Plugins for 2016
Updated on: 18 Oct 2023
Few people in the web hosting industry have any doubt that, it is absolutely essentials to secure your WordPress installation against malware injecting bots and hackers. WordPress are often used with a host of third party plugins and themes, which punches the biggest security holes in any WordPress installation. WordPress itself becomes vulnerable if not […]